Posted by Michael Christian on Jun 13, 2023
General Meeting
Meeting Minutes 6-13-2023
Location: Cafe Spiga
President Michael B. called the meeting to order at approximately 12:15pm. The meeting opened with pledge of allegiance and invocation. Before going through the agenda, Michael welcomed the attendees from other Rotary chapters. Michael informed the group that an email was distributed prior to the meeting, reviewing the topics from the week before. Attendance improvement was major focus of the discussion. There will be a buddy system implemented for active members to remind a "buddy" of upcoming events and meetings. The group was then reminded of the upcoming event, the Summer Soiree, hosted by the Ward Melville Heritage Organization to honor longtime Rotarian, Judi Betts. The event cost $195 and is scheduled for June 22, 2023 at 6pm. Members were asked to inform Michael B. if they are interested in attending. Port Jefferson Rotary Club is willing to contribute toward the cost of an event if a member is interested in attending. For more information, club members can send an email to Michael and place a formal request. The next topic of discussion was the Rotary Friendship Exchange program. In June 2023, local Rotarians are traveling to Sweden visit clubs in their country. Port Jefferson Rotary Club is considering participating in the annual 4th of July parade, sponsored by the Port Jefferson Chamber of Commerce. Michael surveyed the group and a select group of individuals volunteered to participate. Michael informed the group that a follow up email would be sent to determine who is actually committing to the event. A community member reached out to a representative from the club requesting to pay for a bench to memorialize their daughter's upcoming first birthday. Various locations were discussed and the family will be contacted to determine what they had in mind. Michael C. announced that the month's evening meeting is scheduled for June 20, 2023 at 5:30pm and the event is taking place at Sunrise Senior Living of East Setauket. Michael told the group that a recent graduate from Columbia reached out requesting assistance with a District/Global Scholarship application. Michael is going to follow up with the district for more information about the process. The Port Jefferson Rotary Club will potentially partner with the Rocky Pointe Rotary Club to conduct a makeup date for the Rotary Day of Service due to the poor weather experienced on the day. The annual Past-President's Dinner and Raffle Ticket Fundraiser is scheduled to occur on September 28, 2023 at 5pm and will take place at Savino's Hideaway (258 N Country Rd, Mt. Sinai, NY 11766). Jennifer Dzvonar distributed the tickets and informed the group that each member will be responsible for participating. As stated earlier, the next meeting is scheduled for June 20th at 5:30pm at Sunrise Senior Living of East Setauket (1 Sunrise Drive, East Setauket NY 11733).